PLM 2022
Product Lifecycle Management in transition times: the place of humans and transformative technologies
Product Lifecycle Management in transition times: the place of humans and transformative technologies
Smart Factory Conference 2022 in Athens
To strive for Zero Defect Manufacturing a decision support system based on inspection data and Machine Learning techniques has been developed.
This application abstract introduces the first functional prototype of XR system for additive manufacturing (AM) system’s maintenance support. It has been developed in European Commission funded H2020 project called “QU4LITY – Autonomous Quality Platform for Cognitive Zero-defect ManUfacturing Processes through DigitaL ContInuity in the ConnecTed FactorY of the Future ”. The development is following main principles of Human Centred Design (HCD) (ISO 9241-210:2010).
Based on the work done for the last 6 years and enriched with the new developments in Quality project, Danobat is preparing its new offer in digital platforms that will be unveiled in 2022.
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