Find your way within DFA

The DFA is open to all participants in the digital manufacturing community interested in supporting the DFA mission by proving a technology, implementing a pilot, validating products or connecting innovation communities to the DFA assets.
Find your way within DFA as:

Technology Provider


Digital Innovation Hub

Testing and Experimental Factories
DFA allows its members to get access to the most updated knowledge, trends and “ready-to-implement” products in the digital manufacturing field
The SM4RTENANCE EU Project was officially launched!
The EU Project SM4RTENANCE was launched on November 6th in the Automotive Intelligence Center in Boroa, Spain. The Digital Factory Alliance (DFA) attended to further explore European initiatives on datasharing for manufacturing.
DFA was present in the TEMS EU Project Launching Event
The TEMS EU Project on Trusted European media data space flagship European initiative presentation took place in the EITB Basque Country media company headquarters on 24th October.
Let you be a large or small manufacturing company, let the Digital Factory Alliance tailor your industry 4.0 process autonomy to your business strategy.
A Data-Driven Factory Transformation
Trial Deep Dive
Practical, proactive and interactive sessions, dedicated to the immersion in applied and integrated use of digital technologies at a business and detailed technical level.
Open Dialogues
Sessions focused on brainstorming and high-quality insights. Open dialogues bring stakeholders together to give a chance to learn from and engage with opinion leaders.
Tech Talks
Examinate trends in a given digital technology, analyse how they affect the way we produce and do business, and comprehend the problems they solve.
Product Webinars
How to cover particular needs or problems by means of the products and processes offered by the member factories of the DFA.
“Meet DFA” webinars
What is exactly the DFA? Who is it addressed to? How do you participate? What are the main advantages of joining this initiative…?

Don’t miss a thing!

This initiative is supported by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825030