Holistic approach to ZDM by digitalizing the factory
Holistic approach to ZDM by digitalizing the factory The Qu4lity Project and the Digital Factory Alliance have organized a fourth Deep Dive for the 27th of May on the relation between digitalization and holistic approaches to achieve a zero-defect manufacturing. The...
QU4LITY goes Hannover Fair
We invite you to visit our partner IDSA at the world fair, Hannover Messe. There you can learn more about the QU4LITY project and how sovereign data sharing is driving the industry forward.

Data analytics in ZDM production systems
Data analytics in ZDM production systems The Qu4lity Project and the Digital Factory Alliance have organized a third Deep Dive for the 13th of May on the topic of data analytics in zero defect manufacturing process. The event will be a deep dive into key tools for the...
Paper accepted at CAIN Conference
The Fraunhofer ISST and the Mondragon pilot wrote a collaborative paper on the topic “Data Sovereignty for AI Pipelines” and their experiences during the QU4LITY project.

QU4LITY results presented at JSI open house
The results of QU4LITY project were presented at the annual open house of Jožef Stefan Institute. The presentation included JSI experimental facility and pilot implementation.
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