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7th SM4RTENANCE Deep Dive

7th SM4RTENANCE Deep Dive

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Deep Dives

You are kindly invited to join us again into the SM4RTENANCE Pilots Deep Dives, brief online workshops dedicated to exploring the business and technical applications of Data Spaces in the manufacturing industry, as part of the green, circular and digital transformation of the European manufacturing industry.

PRIMA Industrie and TXT Group will showcase the SM4RTENANCE pilot on Smart Predictive Maintenance for laser cutting systems.

The PRIMA use case is addressed to the technological field of 2D laser cutting systems to implement on PRIMA POWER systems Predictive Maintenance functionalities supported by artificial intelligence algorithms through the analysis of laser process states and behaviours combined with internal CNC information. Artificial Intelligence analysis of the laser cutting process will identify the early signs of equipment failure conditions giving, if necessary, preventive indications to organize the service optimizing maintenance schedule to avoid the problem having a significant effect on the correct functioning of the system.

Do you want to know more about how this pilot is evolving? Register and join us!

WHEN? Tuesday 18th February 2025, 12:00 – 12:45

WHERE? Online at the DFA

Register now HERE


12:00 Welcome & SM4RTENANCE Reminders
Katia Lavín (Innovalia Association)
12:10 Smart Predictive Maintenance for laser cutting systems
Pietro Pittaro (Prima Industrie) and Gabriele de Luca (TXT Group)
12:35 Open Discussion and Q&A
12:45 Event closure


    Event registration closed.

    Date And Time

    2025-02-18 | 12:00 to
    2025-02-18 | 01:00

    Registration End Date



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