Digital Industry Data Analytics (DIDA) Platform

The DIDA (Digital Industry Data Analytics) Platform is an OSS Digital Manufacturing Platform, aiming to become a reference implementation for any Industry 4.0 Data Analytics need, enabling the development of applications in several industrial domains. AI4...

DIHIWARE ZDM Ecosystem Innovation and Collaboration Platform

ENG has recently developed in the MIDIH project the DIHIWARE IT platform to support knowledge management and business incubation in a network of Regional Manufacturing Digital Innovation Hubs. The specific knowledge (taxonomies, ontologies, data models) from the ZDM...

Easybot AGV

Automated guided vehicle specially designed for the automotive industry. EasyBots come in five versions: Basic: Small-size AGV, Standard: Standard AGV, Bidibot: Capable of bidirectional movement, Omnibot: Capable of omnidirectional movement, Tribot: Used to tow heavy...

Edge Analytics Engine

The EAE engine is a runtime environment hosted in an EG i.e. at the edge of a FAR-EDGE deployment. It is the programmable and configurable environment that executes data analytics logic locally in order to meet stringent performance requirements, mainly in terms of...

Edge-powered Quality Control System

Edge device embedding M3 apps for a real-time communication and control of the CMM and an IDS Connector for data sharing through the Orion Context Broker. CollectData ProcessingData ShareData TypesConnector...