Next-Generation Manufacturing and Autonomous Quality

Next generation manufacturing is all about production systems that can act for themselves without the help of any human operator, thanks to artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technological systems that enable them to correct issues at the highest rate possible to produce the best quality at the lowest cost. At the moment, a large number of manufacturing companies are working on these developments. The Qu4lity Project and the Digital Factory Alliance have organized a sixth Deep Dive for the 24th of June on the issue of “Next-Generation Manufacturing Systems through Autonomous Quality” for professionals to advance their understanding of this topic.
Two leading manufacturers will take part in the event. On the one hand, Philips, the global leader in technology solutions mainly focused in electronic products and health care market, will present a pilot dedicated to apply Autonomous Quality in one of its production lines. On the other hand, Airbus, pioneer in design and manufacturing of aircrafts, will talk about the impact of Autonomous Quality manufacturing Systems design on the trade space framework. They will talk about the situation before the trial, the status of the projects so far, the challenges for the future.
The DFA Digital Factory Trials Deep Dives are bi-monthly manufacturing process focused events dedicated to understanding in detail the technical and business dimensions of digital factory trials and to understand the power behind the digital transformation of manufacturing processes. You can find more information about the Deep Dives and register to the event here.