The factory after COVID-19 pandemic
In the framework of the Manufacturing Global Response Initiative (MGRI), the DFA will host a dynamic Deep Dive event organized by Intellimech, a consortium of high-tech enterprises oriented to interdisciplinary research in the field of mechatronics, and member of the DFA.
The COVID-19 pandemic hit hard all the companies around the word and had an impact on them to a greater or lesser degree, since all of them suffered the consequences and had an urgent necessity to reconfigure their manufacturing production or repurpose their products to adapt to the new situation and create resilient value chains.
Now, after months from the initial outbreak and with a different perspective, Intellimech will share its view about the main changes that have taken place in the manufacturing sector after COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the event will host a round table with the manufacturers part of the Intellimech consortium (Itema, Valtellina and Cosberg), to discuss about their own experiences in their area of expertise on how they were affected and how they envisioned new possibilities in the hardest moments of the pandemic to face the challenges and keep their competitiveness level. At the end there will be an overview of the European experience as a whole and a Q&A.
10:00 - 10:20 | Main changes in the manufacturing context after the covid-19 pandemic Intellimech Alissa Zaccaria (EU projects coordinator, INTELLIMECH) |
10:20 - 10:50 | Round table with Intellimech partner´s experience • Itema: Suppliers of high-performance weaving machinery and support services to the industry. (Nicola Lorenzi, Plant Manager) • JOiiNT Lab: Bridges research activities and industrial needs, training high-level professional figures with advanced technical-scientific skills and enhancing the technological excellence of the area. (Angelo Lapichino, Researcher) • Cosberg: Design and implementation of solutions to automate assembly processes. (Mauro Viscardi, Innovation Manager) |
10:50 - 11:10 | European experience |
11:10 - 11:30 | Q&A |