European Zero-Defect Manufacturing (ZDM) landscape: State of Play
Under the premise of setting the right direction to achieving the manufacturing excellence in Zero Defects solutions, this event aims to make a short update on the European Commission (EC) funded Zero Defect Manufacturing (ZDM) project landscape, as fundamental action to drive DFA´s Zero-X Manufacturing Initiative.
The event, organized by 4ZDM Cluster- a European initiative around the FoF Zero Defect Manufacturing priority which aims to promote the adoption of Zero-defect production and quality control systems by industry- and ZDM Manufuture subplatform– a Zero Defect Manufacturing Sub-Group in Manufuture– will be focused on revising the last developments and European initiatives in ZDM. Therefore, the main goals of the event can be summed up as it follows:
- To offer an industrial perspective of the current progress at EC-funded ZDM projects.
- Quick update of last ZDM projects with new enablers for the digital transformation (digital platforms, AI, data analytics, blockchain).
- Progress on the definition of the vision/paradigm/architecture for the ZDM scenario, with minimal scraps/waste, and matching with the digital/green transitions – Advancing on the “right at the first time and always right” goal.
- Quick contrast of ZDM visions & opportunities with EC, EFFRA and Manufuture, in between two European R&I Framework Programmes (H2020 and Horizon Europe).
During this session, project coordinators will reinforce the industrial perspective at their respective project presentations.
Why is this event being organized now?
- EC-projects momentum: coexistence of completed ZDM projects, projects at midterm, and recently started projects
- Political momentum: transition between EU R&I Framework Programmes H2020-HE, continuation of partnership FoF as Made-in-Europe/MiE (continuation of a success story)
- Technological momentum: evolution of ZDM and current fit with the digital/green transformation (enhancement of ZDM techniques with AI/DSS/BC/data-analytics/NDT-inspection and with low-carbon-footprint/environmental/zero-waste technologies)
- Social momentum: commitment with EU society at creation of digital skills and qualified jobs, making manufacturing attractive for young generations, paving the way for the excellence in manufacturing (keeping talent and avoiding brain drain)
- New EC representatives: we find convenient to keep in the loop the new EC representatives more in charge of manufacturing technologies, and in particular, in charge of zero-defects manufacturing.
9.00-9.05 | Welcome and reception |
9.05-9.10 | Workshop rationale and objectives Setting the scene (ZDM projects timeline, past ZDM waves, ZDM contribution to twin transition) Juanan Arrieta (Ideko) |
9.10-10.00 | 5th ZDM wave: recently started ZDM projects (FoF-11/FoF-10-2020) from the INDUSTRIAL perspective. Current status after first 6 months: INTERQ, DAT4ZERO, OPTIMAI, I4Q, PENELOPE • Mikel Armendia (Tekniker) • Daryl Powell (Sintef)• Nikolaos Dimitriou (Certh) • Tasos Karakostas (Certh) • Felix Vidal (Aimen) |
10.00-10.20 | 4th ZDM wave: running projects on Digital Platforms for ZDM (DT-ICT-07-2018) from the INDUSTRIAL perspective. Current status after 2 years: QU4LITY, ZDMP • Jorge Lopez (Atos) or Angelo Marguglio (Eng) • Joao Sarraipa (Uninova) |
10.20-10.30 | Digital Factory Alliance (DFA): first months of life and current status. Link with FORESEE Cluster • Oscar Lazaro (Innovalia) |
10.30-10.35 | Short pause All |
10.35-10.45 | EFFRA’s vision on ZDM: fit to Made-in-Europe SRIDA 2021-27, MiE Community Day and future opportunities for ZDM Zeljko Pazin (EFRRA) • Chris Decubber (EFFRA) |
10.45-11.00 | Manufuture-HLG’s vision on ZDM: fit with digital/green transition, contribution to EU resilience, context in post-pandemic times. • Arun Junai (MF subplatforms) • Engelbert Westkämper (Fh IPA) |
11.00-11.15 | EC’s vision on ZDM: opportunities in future workprogrammes under HorizonEurope. • Laszlo Hetey (EC, HaDEA) • Sandro d’Elia (EC, DG-RTD)• Giulia Marzetti (EC, DG-RTD) |
11.15-11.30 | Future ZDM perspectives, conclusions and wrap-up • Odd Myklebust (Sintef) • Marcello Colledani (Polimi) |