Data is becoming fundamental in the implementation of increasingly autonomous ZDM quality control processes. Data is generated across the full product lifecycle and with the participation of very diverse stakeholders. The open dialogue will introduce how increased digital integration and effective development of new concepts such as digital thread continuity and digital product passport can offer new opportunities for better metrology asset condition and cognitive quality control process implementation.



10:00 –10:05 General introduction and opening
10:05 –10:20 Session 1 | Digital Product Passwort in Machine Calibration
o Daniel Hutzschenreuter, Research Associate, PTB, Germany
10:20 –10:35 Session 2 | FIWARE technology for digital continuity of digital thread: The Mars Rover Use Case
o Ulrich Ahle, Chief Executive Officer, FIWARE Foundation, Germany
10:35 –10:50 Session 3 | AI for ZDM resilience: 5 Axis Machine Tool Metrology Use Case
o Oscar Lazaro, Managing Director, Innovalia Association, Spain
10:50 –11:00 Open questions and closuring remarks

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