DFA lighthouse factories address human aspects

As part of the Zero-X manufacturing initiative, the QU4LITY project and the DFA lighthouse factories are taking part in a dedicated workshop organised by the Connected Factories 2 initiatives with the support of the European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA).
Innovalia will lead the participation of the Zero-Defect Manufacturing (ZDM) trials addressing autonomous quality solutions and services in digital manufacturing processes and assets, in a bilateral meeting with the Connected Factories consortium in February, 2022. In this meeting, topics related to interoperability and standards, business models and legal aspects as well as human aspects related to the pilots of QU4LITY will be discussed.
The DFA will lead the discussions addressing human aspects with the support of trial experts. Topics such the workforce augmentation via empowerment of the operator through new digital technologies, work environment digitisation and good practices, adaptability of the work environment to empower the workers or the impact of Industry 4.0 on the operator wellbeing will be discussed. ?