Pushing manufacturing towards ZDM with IKCLOUD

Quality on an industrial production relays on the used resources as well as on the manufacturing processes. Every single failure in any point in the chain, may lead to defects on the end-product. The zero defect concept should be viewed as a quest for perfection to improve quality in the manufacturing process. True perfection might not be achievable but at least the quest will push quality and improvements to a point that is acceptable.
Strong manufacturers have evolved their workflows and tooling in order to minimize the defects within their production chain but stepping forward to the next level in quality improvement goes through augmenting the availability, performance and quality of the installations, getting an optimum cost per part ratio.
QU4LITY project, with a total budget of 19.5M€, in which IKERLAN takes active part with the IKCLOUD+ technology development, focuses on this premises, pushing European ZDM towards novel autonomous quality production methods.
IKCLOUD+ is an Artificial Intelligence-based platform that is built on top of diverse cloud and big data tools. In addition, with the use of novel Machine and Deep Learning algorithms, this solution provides support to add data analytic capabilities to an existing system or platform of a specific industrial domain. In this way, IKERLAN is working together with FAGOR ARRASATE in a machine-level PILOT within the QU4LITY project. With this pilot, FAGOR ARRASATE is able to enhance and improve their existing data monitoring platform FA-LINK, and enhance their ADHOC platform with an advanced and intelligent data analytics solution.