Leading the change Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is the current transformation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices through the digitalization.
In 2016 GHI made the decision of creating a specific department for the implementation of Industry 4.0 in order to make an important strategic move and consequently, improve their teams’ performance and the provided services. Since then, GHI has participated in several R&D projects such as QU4LITY that had helped them develop 4.0 technologies in their equipment to improve the plant operation, the working procedures, the maintenance and the quality of their products.
Thanks to these implementations, last year the company was awarded with the Digitaltek Artificial Intelligence Award 2021 in recognition of the work done promoting and developing artificial intelligence. GHI states that “It is always positive that the great work that the team is doing is recognized”, but assures that the greatest satisfaction is to “see that the strategic plan that we have been promoting in recent years is having a huge business impact”