I-ESA 2022 (11TH International Conference)

Interoperability in the context of enterprise applications: the ability of a system to work with other systems without special effort from the user.
The current economic environment requires for the companies to develop their capacity to interact and exchange information both internally and with external organisations (partners, suppliers, customers, citizens…) or, in other words, to develop their Enterprise Interoperability (EI).
Since industry’s need for EI is one of the key drivers for research into the connected Digital Twins, I-ESA’22 aims to be an agora for the practitioners and researchers who wish to extend the theories, findings, best practices and business discourses on how to improve Enterprise Interoperability through Digital Twins.
The I-ESA conferences and workshops have been recognized as a tool to lead and generate an extensive research and industrial impact in the field of Interoperability for Enterprise Systems and Applications.
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. will participate to I-ESA 22 to exchange visions, ideas and results of the best of breed Enterprise Interoperability trough connected Digital Twin.
Program is still under discussion. ENG cannot be more than enthusiast to join this workshop, fostering the achievements gained in both the QU4LITY and i4Q projects.
More information at I-ESA 2022 (11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE) (upv.es)