Holistic approach to ZDM by digitalizing the factory

The Qu4lity Project and the Digital Factory Alliance have organized a fourth Deep Dive for the 27th of May on the relation between digitalization and holistic approaches to achieve a zero-defect manufacturing. The event will dive into how holistic approaches can serve industries ensure the highest process and product quality through the integration of digital technologies.
Two well-known manufacturing companies will participate in the event. On the one hand, the German Continental AG company dedicated to the production of tires, and, on the other hand, the American Whirpool corporation which is focused in the production of home appliances. The presentation will revolve about two pilot studies. The first one, on Autonomous Quality in PCB Production for Future Mobility by Continental AG and the second one on Dryer Factory Holistic Quality Platform by Whirlpool. They will talk about the situation before the trial, the status of the projects so far, the challenges in the future and how the new technologies have helped them acquired the most important data to the quality process for ZDM.
The DFA Digital Factory Trials Deep Dives are bi-monthly manufacturing process focused events dedicated to understand in detail the technical and business dimensions of digital factory trials and to understand the power behind the digital transformation of manufacturing processes.You can find more information about the Deep Dives and register to the event here.