Final evaluation of Airbus Pilot

The Final Evaluation session of Airbus Pilot Prototype was carried out at Hamburg Airbus-ZAL Facilities on June 14th. The Trade space prototype was made in collaboration between Airbus, EPFL, Fraunhofer and Visual Components, with the objective of enabling an MBSE and collaborative design process between the aircraft and industrial system domains, overcoming bottlenecks concerning knowledge management, interoperability and decision making in the design process.
During this session, Airbus Top Management presented their vision for the aerospace industrial system design. A Final demonstration of Qu4lity Trade-off Platform prototype was made through User Experiences performed live by Airbus target users of this system (Industrial Architects, Industrial System Engineers, Ontology Architects and Ontology Modellers). The benefits of the approach and technologies used was demonstrated for the industrial system design of a new aircraft program.
Author: Rebeca Arista (Airbus)