1st Deep Dive
Overall Predictive Maintenance through Trusted Data Sharing
SM4RTENANCE Pilots Deep Dives are bi-monthly events dedicated to exploring the business and technical applications of Data Spaces in the manufacturing industry. These sessions aim to provide the manufacturing community, including both large industries and small to medium-sized manufacturers, with a comprehensive understanding of the benefits of data sharing through trusted data spaces for Predictive Maintenance and Asset Management. Attendees will also gain insights into the transformative impact of data-driven processes on manufacturing operations.
Register and join us for the first SM4RTENANCE Deep Dives on Tuesday, 17th September 2024
Bruno D’Angelo (ITEMA) and Daniele Crippa (INTELLIMECH) will show how to optimise maintenance activities and spare parts supply in the textile sector.
12: 00 | Welcome &-Speakers Introduction |
12:05 | The SM4RTENANCE initiative Katia Lavin (INNOVALIA) |
12:10 | Overall predictive maintenance through Trusted Data Sharing Bruno D’Angelo (ITEMA) Daniele Crippa (INTELLIMECH) |
12:35 | Questions & Answers |
12:45 | Event closure |