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Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Quality 4.0

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Quality 4.0

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Digital Tech Talks

March 30th, 2021 | 09:00 – 12:30 CET


Session 1: Introduction – Remaining Useful Life Calculation
09:00 Introduction to the Workshop – ML for Quality 4.0
Dr. John Soldatos – INTRASOFT International, Luxembourg
09:10 H2020 QU4LITY: The Vision of Autonomous Quality
Angelo Marguglio – H2020 QU4LITY TM, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A., Italy
Dr. Oscar Lazaro – Innovalia Association, Spain
09:30 Deep Neural Networks for RUL Estimation
Dr. Thanasis Naskos – ATLANTIS Engineering S.A, Greece
09:50 QARMA 4 Industry: A Quantitative Rules Mining Framework for RUL Calculation
Dr. Ioannis Christou – INTRASOFT International, Luxembourg
Session 2: Faults, Anomalies and Defects Identification
10:15 Anomaly Detection Using Unsupervised Learning Techniques
Dr. L. (Leo) Kampmeijer – TNO, The Netherlands
Rob Snel – TNO, The Netherlands
10:35 Intelligent Data Platforms for Advanced Analytics in Industry by Mondragon Coorporation, Ikerlan and MGEP : A Fagor Arrasate Case study
Ekhi Zugasti – MGEP, Spain
Xabier de Carlos – IKERLAN, Spain
11:05 Failure Identification in Failure Identification in ATLANTIS Smart Maintenance Platform
Maria Psarodimou – ATLANTIS Engineering S.A, Greece
Session 3: Product Control and Testing – Concluding Remarks
11:30 ML based Product Testing and Quality Control
Dr. Lukas Schulte – Technical University of Dortmund, Germany
11:50 Improving the build quality in laser powder bed fusion using high dynamic range imaging and model-based reinforcement learning
Christian Knaak – Fraunhofer ILT, Germany
12:10 Open Discussion – Stakeholders’ Feedback – Engaging with QU4LITY and DFA
12:55 Conclusions – Closing Remarks – Workshop Closing


Date And Time

2021-03-30 | 09:00


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