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European Big Data Value Forum – AI and Data Technologies for Industry 5.0: opportunities and future scenarios

European Big Data Value Forum – AI and Data Technologies for Industry 5.0: opportunities and future scenarios

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3rd December, 10:30 CET

The first part of this session will be run in the form of an Expert Panel where different Industry 5.0 perspectives will be presented and debated with the aim to find guidelines and recommendations on how to address Industry 5.0 challenges by AI and Data Technologies.

The second part will be run in the form of industrial cases taken from H2020 projects, where AI and Data technologies will show their potential to address Industry 5.0 human-centric, resilient and sustainable manufacturing challenges and requirements in conjunction with traditional Industry 4.0 objectives of efficiency and economic competitiveness.

The Objective of the session is to shed light on how to materialize Industry 5.0 concept through the adoption and exploitation of AI and Data Technologies.


  • Introduction by the chairs
  • Part I
    • Introductory statements from panelists (DG RTD (tbc), DG CNECT, EFFRA, BDVA/DAIRO and the Automotive Cluster of Slovenia)
    • Panel discussion
  • Part II
    • H2020 projects: KITT4SME (tbc), Level UP, QU4LITY




Date And Time

2021-12-03 | 10:30


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