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DIHs network building – good practices

DIHs network building – good practices

561 561 people viewed this event.
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8th April 2022

The objective of this webinar is to present sectorial European DIHs networks to get to know the networks and get inspired to potentially create other networks. The session will include a presentation of the networks (creation, objectives, members…), the reasons to join the networks as well as the activities/services planned.

During the event, DFA´s DIH Partner Programme will be presented, a support framework for DIHs to become a service provider and to successfully implement the DFA tools and methodological assets within local SME ecosystems.



10:00 – 10:05 Welcome and presentation of the objectives of the webinar
Marie Bourdon, CARSA
10:05 – 10:20 Digital Factory Alliance: DIH partner programme
Diego Ospina, Innovalia Association
10:15 – 10:30 EDIH4Man network: a network of European DIHs focused on manufacturing
Maria Rossetti, Made
10:35 – 10:50 DIH-World network: how to join the network and next events
Marie Bourdon, CARSA
10:35 – 10:50 DIH-World network: how to join the network and next events
10:50 – 11:00 Q&A with the speakers

Date And Time

2022-04-08 | 10:00


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