Enhancing data analytics and cybersecurity for ZDM

During last year, Ikerlan has been collaborating in Qu4lity, the biggest European project dedicated to Autonomous Qu4lity (AQ) and Zero Defect Manufacturing (ZDM) in the Industry 4.0. Thanks to QU4LITY, important steps have been taken towards ZDM and quality improvement of industrial processes and machines. In the scope of the project, IKERLAN has developed IKCloud+ and IKSec solutions.
On the one hand, IKCloud+ is a MLOps platform that provides end to end workflows for Artificial Intelligence model development and deployment. This platform has been plugged into FA-Link, the cloud platform owned by Fagor Arrasate. This way, FA-Link has been enhanced woth ML model-based data analytics that provide support to improve monitoring and maintenance of press machines and targeting improved quality and Zero Deffect Manufacturing.
On the other hand, IKSec, improves the authentication, preventing hackers or intruders from accessing protected corporate resources, but without compromising the user experience. This solution is integrated as a transparent layer of continuous authentication, based on the context and user behavior through geolocation mechanisms, browser and device detection.
Using IKCloud+ and IKSec, existing digital cloud-platforms can be enhanced with advanced capabilities such as Artificial Intelligence and Cibersecurity. Both solutions have been successfully proved in two pilots of the QU4LITY project, where IKERALAN has collaborated with Fagor Arrasate and other partners of Mondragon Corporation such as Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Ideko and Danobat.
Author: Xabier De Carlos (Ikerlan)