Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. joins the DFA

The corporation, one of the leading companies in the digital transformation of companies and public and private organizations, aligns with the principles of the DFA.
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica is pleased to join forces with Atos and Innovalia Association to establish the Digital Factory Alliance (DFA), a privately driven initiative aiming at fostering knowledge sharing and industrial collaboration towards the implementation of data-driven digital transformation in manufacturing processes.
Through the DFA, Engineering is keen to promote the development and uptake of innovative solutions from Industry 4.0, Digital Platforms, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data domains.
Engineering, as a Founding Member, recognizes the DFA as a strategic innovation ecosystem and contributes towards its development and enhancement by facilitating stakeholder collaboration across all the thematic initiatives of the DFA through many development and uptake actions. To this end, Engineering will leverage its strategic position in R&I initiatives and in many market segments worldwide supporting the DFA sustainability over time.