Catalogue of Zero-Defect Manufacturing (ZDM) Assets

Within the scope of QU4LITY, several technologies were developed and customised to fit the needs of Zero-Defect Manufacturing (ZDM). Furthermore, they were integrated as a part of ZDM solutions. These technologies were structured, organised and made available in an On-line Catalogue, named IoT-Catalogue.
The IoT-Catalogue is a web-based catalogue for Internet-of-Things (IoT) solutions, available at The IoT-Catalogue brings IoT users and technology providers together, from the domain needs to IoT products (and back) via validated solutions with components, assembly guides, and more.
The 3 pillars that support the Online Catalogue of ZDM Assets are: the QU4LITY project page, the ZDM assets and the IoT-Catalogue, which represent the different audiences that the IoT-Catalogue can reach and present the ZDM Assets.
QU4LITY Project Page: is exclusive to QU4LITY project information. For this reason, accessing QU4LITY assets requires prior knowledge of the project. (
ZDM Assets Page: IoT Trends page presents several trending domains, which includes ZDM. Users can view all IoT-Catalogue assets organised and aggregated by trends. People specifically working on ZDM trends can access QU4LITY assets without previous knowledge about the project itself. (
IoT-Catalogue: Users from different communities use the IoT-Catalogue. To those, IoT-Catalogue provides mechanisms to visualise assets by characteristics/features. This allows assets from different trends to be gathered and shown to the users. In this way, ZDM assets can be discovered by users in other trends and integrated in their solutions, even if not mainly related with ZDM. (