Augmented Reality in Operation @ Continental

In the QU4LITY Project Continental joined forces with partner PACE for Augmented Reality solutions.
In Electronics Manufacturing Plants Change over, Maintenance and Training are a permanent challenge. Most of the activity has to be performed by Continental team members. They have to follow a huge number of documents, guidelines and instructions. Deviation to the instructions can easily lead to incidents on the shopfloor like bad parts – scrap or in worst case a nok part slipping to the customer.
Company Pace ist providing solutions to increase the performance out of these processes and to make the execution robust. The classical paperwork is transformed in visual instructions reflecting the necessary manual action in real time. Media can be various. Smart glasses are in operation at Continental as well as Computer or Handheld displays.
Since the implementation the effort for Training was reduced significantly in Continental. Trainers have more time now for Operational and Tactical activity on the shopfloor. Training can happen virtually to a large extent. As well through Change over and Maintenance there is less discussion and corrective action necessary. Preparation time for these activities went down to almost zero. As this activity is executed as a pilot, Continental is planning to make use of the Technology to a larger extent in the future.