Atos joins the DFA as founding member

Atos, the global leader in secure and decarbonized digital solutions along with consultancy services, digital security and decarbonization offerings, join forces with Innovalia Association and Engineering Ingegneria Informatica to establish the Digital Factory Alliance (DFA).
This alliance will give us the opportunity to belong to a community that will foster the adoption of Digital Solutions in the manufacturing market, the strongest and most strategic market for Atos. Due to our size (110.000 employees), Atos has historically targeted big customers; the DFA could change this trend and become our link with SMEs and Mid-cap companies.
Our contribution to this alliance will be mainly focused on providing digital platforms and digital skills in Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Big Data, HPC, Cybersecurity, …
We are really looking forward to helping manufacturing companies in their digital journey through the DFA.