A key initiative of Europe is to accelerate the deployment of Data Spaces in different domains. Manufacturing Data Spaces are among the top 9 priorities set by the EC. Data sharing among manufacturing companies and with (service) providers will be increasing in the near future, demonstrating how sharing industrial data improves company operations. Both the discrete manufacturing and process industry are impacted by such a transformation. Consequently, the priority for manufacturing stakeholders will be to develop collaborative services based on a trusted and common framework for sharing and exchanging data and models multilaterally to overcome the interoperability challenge and implement next generation autonomous cross-enterprise industrial operations. Currently approaches to Digital Manufacturing Platforms (DMP) and Industrial Data Platforms (IDP) do lack the ability to consistently share data across organisations at scale. In fact, it is already acknowledged that peer-to-peer data sharing, especially when involving SMEs, will not scale to unveil high-quality data sharing for manufacturing value set above. The FIWARE Smart Industry Mission Support Committee (SIMSC) is playing a major role in this twin and green transition, facilitating the definition and adoption of common protocol and data models, as well as the spreading of enabling technologies such as Digital Twins and Artificial Intelligence. The session will drive you through the context analysis, the needs and benefits, the technologies adoption in relevant use cases and the offering of Testing and Experimental Facilities in several industrial domains. Presentations: 09:00 – 09:08 Welcome – Ernoe Kovacs (NEC, co-chairman FIWARE Smart Industry Mission Support Committee), Angelo Marguglio (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A., co-chairman FIWARE Smart Industry Mission Support Committee) 09:08 – 09:18 Manufacturing Data Space: relevance for the Digital Product Passport implementation – Oscar Lazaro, Director, INNOVALIA 09:18 – 09:28 Combining NGSI-LD and SHACL: A Foundation for Next Generation Digital Process Twins in Manufacturing – Marcel Wagner, Software Architect, INTEL 09:28 – 09:38 Cognitive Application Platform and self-X AI tools: powered-by-FIWARE solutions for the Process Industry – Daniel Gómez Martín, Industrial Engineer, CARTIF 09:38 – 09:48 WARNING – Worker Augmented Reality guidaNce IN aGile production shop floor – Federico D’Ambrosio, Researcher, INTELLIMECH 09:38 – 09:58 FIWARE and AI TEF for Manufacturing: a win-win game – Maria Rossetti, Project Manager, MADE-CC 09:58 – 10:00 Closing & Remarks – Ernoe Kovacs and Angelo Marguglio