Global Manufacturing Data Spaces Roundtable: Unveiling National Initiatives, Platforms, Projects and Government Support
In the dynamic landscape of data-driven manufacturing, an international dialogue is set to take place, focusing on the intersection of data spaces and Industry 4.0. This dialogue brings together experts from diverse organizations and countries to explore the immense potential of data spaces in transforming the manufacturing sector.





8:30 - 9:00

9:00 - 9:30

9:30 - 10:15
Data Spaces and Industry 4.0
The discussion will focus on the intersection of data management and the fourth industrial revolution with an emphasis on the need for a sustainable & long-term multilateral collaboration framework.
Challenges and megatrends impacting the manufacturing industry are common and global and their responses will be discussed, along with the transformation through the adoption of digital and green skills.
The importance of standards within the Single Market and globally will also be emphasized.
Matthias Bölke, IDTA | Alexander Allmendiger, OPC Foundation | Wim Vancauwenberghe, EFNMS |
Andreas Faath, VDMA

10:15 - 11:00
Strategic Data Space 4.0 Initiatives
Representatives from significant organizations will highlight the collaborative nature of strategic initiatives driven by data ecosystems in Data Space 4.0, emphasizing their cross-sector and cross-country impact and the concrete business value they offer.
Examples will be provided to showcase the functionality of data spaces in areas such as supply chain collaboration, sustainability, smart production planning, predictive maintenance, and zero-defect manufacturing.
Ute Burkhardt, VW, Catena – X | Thomas Hahn, Siemens | Jean- Pascal Riss, Schneider

11:00 - 11:45
Global Manufacturing Data Space Initiatives
This Round Table is intended to showcase different elements that need to be coordinated to facilitate the realization of Manufacturing-X and Data Spaces in Manufacturing. The shaping of digital ecosystems can only succeed through international dialogue and transnational approaches to problem-solving.
The discussion will focus on fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange, emphasizing cross-border cooperation in leveraging data-driven technologies for global industries.
Kwanghyun An, Kosmo (Korea) | Kazuo Nakashima, RRI (Japan) | John Dyck, CESMII (US) |
Henning Banthien, Plattform Industrie DE | Roland Sommer, Plattform Industrie AT

11:45 - 12:30
Data and Manufacturing SMEs
Recognizing the significance of internationalization and globalization, it is crucial to ensure the active involvement of SMEs in order to enhance their competitiveness and foster sustainability and circularity in manufacturing services.
The panel will provide valuable insights, success stories, and potential collaboration opportunities to empower SMEs on their journey of data utilization.
Maria Rossetti, EDIHNET | Oscar Lázaro, BAIDATA | Gianluigi Riccio, MEDITECH |
Christoph Mertens, IDSA, DSBA

12:30 - 13:00
Wrap up & Closing

13:00 - 14:00


Wim Vancauwenberghe

Roland Sommer
Plattform Industrie AT

Alexander Allmendinger
OPC Foundation

Kazuo Nakashima
RRI (Japan)

Sergio Gusmeroli
Politecnico di Milano

Thomas Hahn
Siemens AG

Matthias Kuom
European Commission

Andreas Faath

Ute Burkhardt
VW, Catena – X

Oscar Lázaro

Henning Banthien
Plattform Industrie DE

Clara Pezuela
FIWARE Foundation

Matthias Bölke

Jean Pascal Riss

John Dyck

Christoph Mertens

Kwanghyun An
Kosmo (Korea)

Ana García

Maria Rossetti

Gianluigi Riccio
Wim Vancauwenberghe

Wim Vancauwenberghe is a prominent figure in the field of maintenance and asset management, serving as the director of BEMAS, the Belgian Maintenance Association. On a European level, he is an active GA member of the EFNMS, the European Federation of National Maintenance Societies, where he also served as a board member during many years.
With a passion for enhancing industrial performance, Wim is dedicating his career to driving innovation and best practices in maintenance and asset management strategies. His expertise lies in optimizing equipment reliability and minimizing downtime through effective maintenance and asset management programs.
Wim’s leadership at BEMAS plays a pivotal role in fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among professionals in the maintenance industry. Through various initiatives, he is encouraging the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and digitalization to improve asset performance and reduce costs. Wim’s commitment to advancing the field of maintenance has earned him recognition as a thought leader and a go-to resource for industry professionals seeking guidance.
With his extensive experience and comprehensive understanding of maintenance challenges, Wim has been instrumental in shaping the future of maintenance practices in Belgium. His strategic vision and dedication to promoting excellence in maintenance have positioned BEMAS as a leading authority in the industry. Under his guidance, the association continues to empower organizations, equipping them with the tools and knowledge needed to excel in the ever-evolving world of
maintenance and asset management.

Roland Sommer serves as Managing Director of the Austrian Platform Industry 4.0 since October 2015. The platform is a public private partnership that aims at improving framework conditions for the introduction of digitalization (‘Industry 4.0’) bringing together relevant stakeholders in Austria.
Mr. Sommer was recently nominated in the operative Management Board of the Austrian GAIA-X Hub and is lecturer at the FH Wieselburg and at the FH Kufstein.
Prior to this function he worked as Director of Public-Private Affairs for AVL List GmbH.
From 2004 -2011 Mr. Sommer worked as senior policy adviser for the Federation of Austrian Industries; from 2000 to 2004 he was employed by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency respectively its predecessor institution.
Mr. Sommer studied at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria, Wageningen University, the Netherlands, and the University of London, UK.
He is active in various national and international bodies.
Alexander Allmendinger

Alexander Allmendinger serves as the Test Lab Manager at the OPC Foundation European Certification Lab, a role he has held since its establishment in 2017. On a daily basis, he engages with a diverse range of OPC products and solutions, while also involving various communication protocols. Due to this extensive experience in communication technologies, he has been deeply aligned with the OPC Foundation’s vision for many years.
During the early stages of OPC UA, Alexander actively participated in working with the technology, validating the initial implementations of Unified Architecture stacks. Notably, he contributed to the preparation and maintenance of one of the pioneering certified OPC UA clients, a task he diligently managed for several years.
These engagements eventually culminated in his current prominent role within the OPC Foundation European Certification Lab and an active member of both the Compliance Steering Committee and the Technical Advisory Council of the OPC Foundation.

Kazuo Nakashima holds a degree in Physics with a specialization in Quantum mechanics from Kyushu University in 1987. He began their career at Fujitsu Laboratory, conducting material research for Magneto Optical disks. Over the years, he hold various positions within Fujitsu Limited and Fujitsu Computer Products of America, focusing on software engineering, technical marketing, and application development for Magneto Optical drives.
In 2009, he transitioned to Toshiba Corporation, where he served as a Sales Manager and Director in the Hard Disk Business Unit. His roles encompassed marketing, corporate planning, and digital solutions. He also became involved in the Robot Revolution & Industrial IoT Initiative (RRI) as a Deputy Secretary General and later as the General Manager of Industrial IoT. Additionally, he contributed to publications such as “MONODZUKURI” and “Digitaler Wandel durch Bildung, Forschung und Innovation.”
Through RRI, they actively engaged in promoting the use of Industrial IoT, robotics, innovation in manufacturing, and standardization, collaborating with stakeholders from various industries. They established partnerships with international organizations such as the German Plattform Industrie 4.0.

Sergio Gusmeroli is Research Coordinator at Politecnico di Milano, Industrial Engioneering Derpartment. He has been and is coordinating several H2020 and HEP projects in the domain of Digital Manufacturing, especially focussing on Data Technologies and Artificial Intelligence. Sergio is also co-leading the BDVA working group about Smart Manufacturing Industry and is workpackage leader of the Data Space 4.0 Coordination and Support Action in the Digital Europe Programme about Data Spaces for Manufacturing.
The key question to be debated in the panel is: how can Data Spaces be successfully adopted in the Manufacturing Industry production plants, product lifecyles and value chains?

Thomas Hahn is since 2011 Chief Expert Software at Siemens AG.
After studying computer science at Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen he joined the company in 1986. Thomas Hahn had several responsibilities in the area of manufacturing such as Head of Software Development for Industrial Automation
Beyond his activities at Siemens, Thomas Hahn is a member or board member of various bodies, including Openlab CERN and steering committee Plattform Industrie 4.0. He is vice-president OPC Foundation, Vice-Chairperson GAIA-X AISBL, chairman of Labs Network Industrie 4.0, Boardmember of the Bavarian “KI-Rat” and president Big Data Value Association.

Matthias Kuom is currently Seconded National Expert to the European Commission, Directorate General for Communication Networks, Content and Technology, in the unit CNECT.A.4 “Digital Transformation of Industrial Ecosystems”. Here he works on topics such as digital platforms for industry and implementation of Digital Innovation Hubs within the Digital Europe Programme.
He drives forward the topics of Industry 4.0, Data Spaces as well as business models and innovation strategies in the data economy. His technological focus is on AI and robotics, blockchain, quantum and other future technologies, and he is passionate about the international networking of forward-thinking innovation players. He brings experience in foresight as well as project and product management for ICT solutions from his previous activities.

Andreas Faath, Managing Director, VDMA Machine Information Interoperability is responsible for the Interoperability activities effecting the mechanical engineering industry. This positions him as an important voice of the global mechanical and plant engineering industry in the field of interoperable information exchange and digital transformation. Due to the close cooperation with numerous companies in the mechanical and plant engineering industry he represents their wishes and requirements.
Prior to his employment at the VDMA, Andreas Faath studied mechanical and plant engineering and was a scientist at the Technical University of Darmstadt with focus on Digitalization and IIOT. Afterwards he worked in research and development for process optimization and digitalization in the field of vehicle testing at General Motors.

Ute has got more than 30 years professional career with experience on both ends of logistics: LLP & OEM. She’s well versed in Process & Operations Management, Global RfQs/Procurement, Industry 4.0, Digital Transition and others. She also has a very well established and high-level network as well as in-depth knowledge and international mindset. Since May 2023 Ute is Member of the Board of Directors of International Data Spaces Association IDSA.

Dr. Oscar Lazaro is Director of Innovalia. He supported the EC DIH I4MS Programme set up and leads the WEF Advanced Manufacturing HUB (AMHUB), IDSA Hub in Spain. He is board member of the BAIDATA, EIT Digital Spanish CLC and actively engaged with the Data Space Support Centre (DSSC) and Digital Factory Alliance (DFA) activities, from where he led the set-up of the Data Space 4.0 initiative. He is representative of Innovalia in EFFRA, GAIA-X and BDVA. He led EU OpenDEI Think Tank on multilateral Digital Value Chains (DVC).

Henning Banthien studied Philosophy, Geography and Environmental Science.
Actually he is Secretary General of Platform Industrie 4.0 office. He joined the IFOK team in 1996 and has set-up and directed the Berlin office since 1999. In January 2009 he became a Managing Partner at IFOK. Henning is a member of the Association of German Engineers’ (VDI) Advisory Board on Technology and Society, and of the Committee on Education and Science of the Verein Berliner Kaufleute und Industrieller (VBKI, Association of Berlin Merchants and Industrialists). He is currently Co-Chairman of the VDI’s Commission for Public Participation Directive (VDI guideline 7000).
In the course of his professional career Henning has been responsible for the development and implementation of sustainability strategies in both business and politics. Building on his international experience in think tanks and companies he leads on issues of digital transformation, science communication, sustainability, infrastructure dialogues. Henning also lectures and gives courses on these issues, both in Germany and beyond, including, for example, as a Guest Lecturer at the Hertie School of Governance.

She has a degree in Computer Science from the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid. She has 23 years’ experience in research for digital technologies domain mostly through European research and innovation projects. Currently, she is Vice President Funded Programs at FIWARE Foundation. Her main responsibilities now are the monitoring of funded projects, the new research projects scanning and the engagement of the foundation with European institutions and initiatives.
Master in Innovation Management and GOLD for Business Leaders, she has high level skills in innovation and technology transfer from research to business and society. Technically, she has an advance level of knowledge in data architectures, cloud/edge/IoT computing, data platforms and data spaces. Currently, she is working on the Data Spaces Support Center and involved in some domain Data Spaces as for Smart Cities and Communities and Manufacturing.
Dr. Matthias

Dr. Matthias Bölke studied Electrical Engineering, realized his PhD at advanced robotics research and is active in the field of automation and energy management for over 30 years. After his academic career he moved towards the industry, where he was active in different entities of Schneider Electric, in R&D, Marketing and as CEO of Schneider Electric’s Country organizations. More than half of this time he spent abroad and today he is global VP Strategy Industrial Automation for Schneider Electric, living in Berlin.
Matthias Bölke is engaged at various boards and associations in the industrial market. As chairmen of the newly created Industrial Digital Twin Association (IDTA) he leads most relevant and critical topics of the digital transformation at manufacturing.

John Dyck was appointed CEO of CESMII – The Smart Manufacturing Institute, in June of 2018. CESMII is a Manufacturing USA Institute chartered with transforming the U.S. manufacturing market and increasing global competitiveness through the democratization of Smart Manufacturing technologies, knowledge, and business practices.
John brings a highly pragmatic perspective to CESMII, and a crisp focus on outcomes that will benefit the Nation’s energy and economic security by sharing existing resources and co-investing to accelerate development and commercial deployment of innovative technologies. He was recognized by the Society of Manufacturing Engineering (SME) in 2020 as one of ‘30 Leaders Transforming Manufacturing in the USA’.
Prior to joining CESMII, John held senior leadership positions in large corporations like GE and Rockwell Automation, and was effective in raising VC funding and building a successful software startup called Activplant.

Gianluigi Riccio has been working in the field of Technology since 1980. Currently, he holds the position of Digital Engineer at the Meditech Competence Center in Naples, Italy. Before joining Meditech, Gianluigi served as the CEO of a database consulting company in Melville, NY.
From 1994 to 2002, Gianluigi worked as an international program director at the leading research service of Meta Group Inc. in Stamford, CT. During that period, he was one of the most influential industry analysts in the database technology sector. Throughout his analyst career, Gianluigi has been directly involved in defining strategies or assessments for data management solutions in major companies such as Aerospatiale, AMEX, Boeing, Dataupia, K-Mart, Informatica, IBM, IRI, MCI, Microsoft, Oracle, NASA, Netezza, Siebel, SAS, SAP, Verizon, and many others.
Gianluigi has also held executive roles at QueryObject Inc., Aeritalia SAIPA, Olivetti OPE, Gartner Group, and the EUREKA Consortium.
Gianluigi is an electronic engineer and a professor of Electronics and Systems.

Ahmed Amine JERRAYA received the PhD degree from the University of Grenoble in 1989. He hold a research director position at CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) untill 2007 where he published 400 papers, Co_authered 6 Books and Supervised 50 PhD.
He joined CEA-LETI in 2007. He hold the position of Research Director and VP Cyberphysical systems at CEA-Tech. He is now Director and CTO, EDIH Paris-Saclay at CEA-List.

Maria Rossetti – R&D Programme Manager, MADE Compentece Center I4.0. MADE Competence Center is the Italian Compentence Center with over 2000 Testing Facilities supporting digital transformation of manufacturing industry. She’s coordinating European Digital Innovation Hub Lombardia and R&D innovation project in the field of digital manufacturing in innovation (test before einvest), education (teaching and learning factories), and ecosystem.